Andreas Paffenholz
TU Darmstadt
FB Mathematik
Diskrete Optimierung
Dolivostr. 15, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Dolivostr. 15
64293 Darmstadt
room: S4|10 134
phone: +49 6151 16-23438
office hours:
by appointment
please contact me by email
please contact me by email
- I will teach Geometric Combinatorics (Integer Points in Polyhedra) in Spring 2024 [2024-02-10]
- We have new homebrew bottles and bundles for polymake for version 4.11 [2023-12-20]
- I will teach Einführung in die Programmierung in Winter 2023 [2023-09-29]
- I will teach Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics in Summer 2023 [2023-01-23]
- I will teach Diskrete Mathematik in Fall 2022 [2022-05-20]
- The lecture notes on Lattices in Optimization for my course Geometric Combinatorics (Integer Points in Polyhedra) in Spring 2022 are complete [2022-10-14]
- I will teach Geometric Combinatorics (Integer Points in Polyhedra) in Spring 2022 [2022-02-20]
- We have new homebrew bottles and bundles for polymake for version 4.6 [2022-01-20]
- We have new homebrew bottles and bundles for polymake for version 4.5 [2021-10-10]
- polymake version 4.5 has been released on September 29 [2021-09-29]
- Finally we can provide homebrew bottles for polymake again, now stored at github, and for version 4.4 [2021-08-21]
- I will teach Einführung in die Programmierung in Winter 2021 [2021-06-29]
- polymake version 4.4 has been released on May 18 [2021-30-05]
- There is a new polymake extension for normal forms of lattice polytopes [2021-03-13]
- I will teach Diskrete Optimierung in Spring 2021 [2021-02-03]
- I finished my course notes on Programmieren in C (in german) [2021-02-08]
- There are updated homebrew bottles for polymake [2021-01-18]
- polymake version 4.3 has been released on December 3 [2020-12-04]
- We have updated our course notes on Lattice Polytopes (joint with Christian Haase and Benjamin Nill) [2020-09-02]
- I am teaching Einführung in die Programmierung 1 in Fall 2020 [2020-07-13]